Sam is a self-taught Australian Abstract Artist best known for her fluid interpretations of the Australian seascape.  Focused on features of the Great Barrier Reef and the Australian landscape, Samantha paints with the intention to translate the colour in the Australian landscape. Constantly inspired by travels and experience’s in growing up in remote Victoria and then living on a boat on the GBR, she regularly considers her relationship with nature and how her artwork sits with it. 

Based in Melbourne, Samantha is best known for her fluid layered works on canvas and raw fabric materials. Using blends of acrylics and inks, she explores the uncontrolled patterns and layers that are created on the surface of the canvas. She is currently exploring the relationship between art and light and is working on developing painted art installations, in her Melbourne inner city studio. Working over the past years Samantha has refined her practice, and had developed a unique pouring aesthetic that captures the diverse layers in nature.